Rep. Waxman, National Urban League Support New Network Neutrality Framework
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman — a longtime advocate for network neutrality rules — supports the new Open Internet Framework enacted by the FCC on December 21, 2010.
The Commission's framework constitutes a floor, not a ceiling, on basic protections. If the rule's protections prove insufficient and consumers and innovation suffer, they will need to be strengthened, and I will vigorously support that effort.
Chairman Genachowski, Commissioner Copps, and Commissioner Clyburn deserve enormous credit for taking this crucial step in protecting an open Internet. The rule may not go as far as some would like, but it is a huge advance over the status quo.
The Congressman was not the only source of support for the FCC's action. National Urban League CEO Marc Morial issued a statement:
This order will protect an open internet and protect the interests of consumers and facilitate job creation by providing clarity that is essential for investment in broadband networks. Too many people in our communities lack access to broadband to access information and services that are essential for economic and social empowerment. This order will help rectify that by encouraging investment in broadband networks.
The National Urban League took a leadership role in supporting the FCC's deliberations that led to these orders — we met with FCC Commissioners and took a lead in the public discourse on this issue. We will continue to do that to ensure that the National Broadband Plan is fully implemented, the universal service fund is reformed and minority and women owned businesses and workers are afforded meaningful opportunities to participate in the expansion, deployment and build-out of broadband networks in the United States.
President Barack Obama and the Communications Workers of America also support the network neutrality rules.
FCC Passes Net Neutrality Rules (Speed Matters)
National Urban League CEO Optimistic on CFCC Internet Order (National Urban League)
President Obama Congratulates FCC on Net Neutrality (Speed Matters)
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