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ConnectKentucky: A model for the rest of the country

The success of ConnectKentucky hasn't escaped our lawmakers in Washington, DC. The program is a combined effort of local government and the private sector to boost technology use in the Bluegrass State, with a focus on expanding high speed internet access.

Now, ConnectKentucky is being hailed in Congress as a model for federal high speed internet policy. Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) cited the program's success when he outlined a national plan for universal high speed internet access.

Over the past two years, ConnectKentucky has increased high speed internet use in the commonwealth by 50 percent, bringing access to more than 500,000 new households. That's helped the Kentucky economy grow and has created more than 14,500 technology jobs.

As Boucher said, "If it works in Kentucky, in such a rural state, I think it could provide wonders nationwide."

The first step in Boucher's plan would be to expand the Universal Service Fund --created to bring telephone service to all Americans--to allow it to promote the expansion of high speed internet access.

The plan would then follow the ConnectKentucky model, bringing the public and private sectors together in pursuit of high speed internet access for every American.

High speed in the blue grass (Speed Matters)

Kentucky effort on broadband hailed as a model (Louisville Courier-Journal)