CWA Urges Joint Effort to Protect Open Internet

Washington, D.C. -- The Communications Workers of America has long supported an open Internet, and supports rules that give the Federal Communications Commission the authority to protect an open Internet by ensuring transparency and preventing blocking and unreasonable discrimination.
We commend today’s decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that affirmed the FCC’s authority to regulate the Internet and its rule governing transparency.
However, the court rejected on legal grounds the rules barring blocking and discrimination because those apply to common carriers, not broadband providers. These are critical components of ensuring an open Internet. CWA calls on providers to continue to abide by the FCC’s Open Internet rules.
CWA is ready to work with others to establish a framework that protects an open Internet and ensures broadband expansion, which is central to our democracy and economy. Broadband growth, both in coverage and speed, should be the central focus of broadband policy and program initiatives.
CWA Urges Joint Effort to Establish Framework to Protect Open Internet, Promote Broadband Expansion (CWA news release, Jan. 14, 2014)
Verizon v. FCC (US Court of Appeals for DC, Jan. 14, 2014)
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