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FCC to Create a New "Internet Speed Map" of America

Last week I attended a meeting held by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to discuss a new initiative, previously recommended by the Omnibus Broadband Initiative, which will scientifically measure internet speeds nationwide. While the process to move forward is still in its earliest stages, Speed Matters supports this effort which will supplement the data already available on the Speed Matters website, and the FCCs current online test. The new test will sample 10,000 American households and collect information every hour to get an aggregate picture of internet speeds throughout the typical day. The test will be administered by a third party to ensure the privacy of the participants is protected.

The goal of the program is to create an accurate map of broadband speeds in America. This will aid consumers and allow the industry to innovate in areas where it is needed most. The end result will be better-informed consumers and a stronger, better broadband infrastructure for the country.

As I said, it is still extremely early in this process and many of the technical details still need to be worked out, but Speed Matters and CWA are excited to lend our expertise and advice to this very important effort. Speed Matters is also proud to be a pioneer in this area, issuing an annual speed report that breaks down average speeds by state, and continuing to collect speed data from all over the country. You can do your part and take the speed test right now. This is all a reflection of CWAs long-time commitment to the creation of a comprehensive map of broadband speeds, and recognizes that it will be an integral part of all efforts to implement the most important aspects of the National Broadband Plan. After all, without a map it is impossible to know where to go.

Speed Matters speed test

The benefits of broadband - PDF (Speed Matters)

Sign up to be a part of the sample (Test My ISP)

Some current broadband maps at Connected Nation