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Join the conversation about the national broadband plan

As the Federal Communications Commission prepares its national broadband plan, it has turned to new media to help along the way.

On August 18th, the FCC launched its blog - Blogband - that will focus on the commission's development of a plan.

In the first blog post, Julius Genachowski, the Chairman of the FCC, wrote:

"Blogband is part of the FCC's commitment to an open and participatory process. Blogband will keep people up-to-date about the work the FCC is doing and the progress we're making. But we want it to be a two-way conversation. The feedback, ideas and discussions generated on this blog will be critical in developing the best possible national broadband plan."

To top off their entrance into social media, the commission has also joined Twitter. In a recent news release, the agency said, "The FCC's tweets will include news about the FCC and progress reports on the national broadband plan."

Blogband (FCC)

FCC Twitter Feed