Labor, civil rights, privacy, and consumer organizations urge Speaker Pelosi to schedule a vote on the American Data Privacy and Protection Act
A letter by 48 civil rights, privacy, labor, and consumer organizations urged US House Speaker Pelosi to schedule a vote on the bipartisan H.R. 8152, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA). ADPPA is comprehensive federal privacy and civil rights legislation that will strengthen civil rights and privacy protections nationwide, and for the first time, create real and lasting protections for the personal data of hundreds of millions of consumers in America. It will also significantly expand equal opportunity online through strong anti-discrimination provisions, algorithmic bias assessments, and heightened protections for data that reveal sensitive information about a person.
Letter to Speaker Pelosi Urging Vote on the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (LCCHR, Aug. 25, 2022)
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