Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Announced Acquisition of T-Mobile USA by AT&T
The following press release is re-posted from the AFL-CIO Media Center
Yesterday's announcement of the acquisition of T-Mobile USA by AT&T has important, positive implications for consumers in the U.S. and Germany, for the U.S. telecom workforce and for our country's economic future.
The acquisition ensures AT&T a strong telecom workforce well-positioned to compete globally, while offering tens of thousands of T-Mobile USA employees the opportunity to make their jobs good jobs by benefitting from the pro-worker policies of AT&T, one of the only unionized U.S. wireless companies. AT&T partners with its employees so they have a voice on the job, good living standards, and training and development opportunities to help the company succeed. About 42,000 AT&T mobility employees are represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA).
For T-Mobile USA workers who want a voice in their workplace, this acquisition can provide a fresh start with T-Mobile management. CWA and ver.di, the largest union in Germany, have partnered to support T-Mobile USA workers in their efforts to come together. The AFL-CIO will continue to work with CWA, ver.di and the global trade union movement to ensure that T-Mobile USA workers transitioning to AT&T will enjoy better employment security and a management record of full neutrality towards union membership and collective bargaining.
The acquisition also promises sorely needed increased broadband speed and build-out in the U.S., particularly rural communities, areas that have been highlighted by President Obama and the Federal Communications Commission as important to bring the U.S. to global parity. In Germany, the deal will allow for greater investment in parent Deutsche Telekom's own fiber network.
Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Announced Acquisition of T-Mobile USA by AT&T
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