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Global Union Encourages Responsible Net Neutrality Rules in Europe

UNI, a global federation of unions that includes the Communications Workers of America and over 20 million workers, has submitted a filing with the European Union on the bloc's ongoing efforts to craft new open Internet rules.

UNI's position echos the CWA stance that net neutrality policies should ensure openness, transparency and freedom of expression for all lawful content while also incentivizing increased broadband service and investments in network expansion.

The nine-page filing warns against overregulation of broadband service providers and strongly encourages the EU to ensure there are strong incentives for continued broadband investment and network build out:

There is a virtuous circle in the Internet eco-system: as consumers demand more bandwidth for video and data-intensive applications, network providers will invest in more capacity, which in turn will enable new innovative applications and services on the Internet. Therefore, it is imperative that any regulatory framework encourages network investment and allow network providers to realize a return on their investment.

UNI Eurpoa Response To the Public Consultation on the Open Internet and Net Neutrality in Europe (UNI Global Union)