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UK introduces ambitious universal broadband plan

'Networked Nation,' a new government report issued in the United Kingdom, lays out a bold blueprint to get 10 million more Britons online. According to the plan, all working age Britons should be web users by 2015.

The comprehensive report urges businesses and non-profits to push online activity and outlines a government plan for providing cheap Internet access to low-income and elderly people.

Speaking at the plan's launch, Prime Minister David Cameron declared:

"We need to ensure that people aren't being left behind as more and more services and business move online. Promoting digital inclusion is essential for a dynamic modern economy and can help to make government more efficient and effective."

The UK is aiming to jump-start its global competitiveness by becoming a leader in digital literacy and connectivity.

‘Everyone of working age’ online by 2015, says Martha Lane Fox (Daily Telegraph)