FCC releases new National Broadband Map

The FCC released its new National Broadband Map. The map is created from Form 477 filings that broadband providers submit to the Commission. Users can enter an address and see which service providers offer what services at what upload and download speeds. View the FCC’s new map here, and check its accuracy!
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel has long called for an update to the FCC’s map and argued that the new map does not illustrate all the types of services available across the US, both wired and wireless. Hoping to gather public input on the new map, Commissioner Rosenworcel has set up an email address to collect public input. Do you have broadband service – wired or wireless – at your home? Let the Commissioner know by emailing broadbandfail@fcc.gov.
FCC Updates and Modernizes National Broadband Map (FCC, Feb. 22, 2018)
Communications regulator seeks public input on broadband map (Chicago Tribune, Oct. 13, 2017)
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